The shortlist is:

Granta Punt and Canoe Hire, Newnham
Lakeland, Sidney Street
La Mimosa restaurant, Thompsons Lane
Lion Yard Car Park Attendants
Papworth Brownie Guides
Many thanks to everybody who sent in a nomination this year - they made wonderful reading.
Congratulations to everyone who was nominated - you have all made Cambridge a better place to live and work.

We look forward to seeing all the participants at the award ceremony, which will be hosted by Councillor Jenny Bailey (photo right), the Mayor of Cambridge.
The overall winner will be announced at the award ceremony in the Foyer of the Cambridge Corn Exchange on November 21st 4.30- 6.00pm.
The presentations will be made by Ruth Everard, who will be back in her home town of Cambridge to talk to us, despite the fact that the innovative wheelchairs designed by her engineer father which took her to Sawston Village College and Long Road Sixth Form College have lead her astray to the City of London via a law degree at Oxford University. (sorry about that, but the truth must be told. Ed)