Monday, 2 July 2007

Welcome to The Way To Be Awards blog

Mark Taylor, Access OfficerI am Mark Taylor and I am the Access Officer at Cambridge City Council. I work in the Planning Department, because an important part of my time is spent in looking at planning applications for new developments, and advising people on how best to make changes to old buildings.

Although helpfulness and consideration are as old as mankind, some changes needed legislation, and that's what the Disability Discrimination Act (the DDA) did in 2004. Now all services, businesses and public buildings have to consider how everyone, including people with disabilities, get in, join in and find their way around.

Mark at workBusinesses nominated for The Way To Be awards in 2006 included a lot of shops and taxi drivers, which is not surprising when you consider how important it is to be able to get where you want to go, and to buy the things you need. Everyday things that many people take for granted, but the people who nominated our 2006 heroes didn't take them for granted and we will be featuring them on this blog over the coming weeks.

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